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April 7, 2006
Social security caseload expected to stabilise: CE

Chief Executive Donald Tsang says he ackowledges the pressure faced by frontline staff in handling as many as 870,000 social security cases and 1.1 million recipients.


But he believes that with an improved economy and the Government's efforts to help able-bodied recipients rejoin the workforce, the caseload will be stabilised.


Mr Tsang today visited the Social Welfare Department to gain a better understanding of the social security and integrated family services provided by the department.

CE chats with frontline staff   CE chats with kids   CE meets elderly volunteers
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Caring community: Chief Executive Donald Tsang meets with frontline staff at Lai Chi Kok Social Security Field Unit, and chats with children and elderly volunteers at the Cheung Sha Wan Integrated Family Service Centre.


He first met directorate officers to discuss developmental and management issues, and was briefed by the Fraud Investigation Team on measures to prevent social security fraud and the related investigative work in combating fraud. The staff also explained the difficulties they faced during an investigation.


Mr Tsang learned four retired police inspectors will be hired this year to assist the Special Investigation Section in handling the more complicated cases, while training of frontline staff and publicity against social security fraud will be stepped up.


Mr Tsang believed the measures would help frontline staff in discharging their duties. He also praised the investigation staff for their vigilance in ensuring the effective use of public resources to help people in need.


Accompanied by Director of Social Welfare Paul Tang and Deputy Director Nancy Law, Mr Tsang then visited the Lai Chi Kok Social Security Field Unit to review the daily operation of the office.


Work pressure fully understood

The enormous work pressure of the frontline staff is fully understood, he said, adding the department had helped ease the manpower strain of individual units through internal redeployment of resources.


Mr Tsang stressed the frontline staff had to serve the public with the "people-based governance" concept and provide appropriate services to people in need.


The Chief Executive then proceeded to the Cheung Sha Wan Integrated Family Service Centre to learn about the services it offered. He toured the resource corner for the public and the interview room, and chatted with people using the facilities in the family activity centre and the computer room.


Mr Tsang met some social workers who outlined their experiences and challenges in delivering integrated family services.


Build a caring, harmonious community

Offering encouragement to staff, he said that in the face of growing complexity of social and family problems, social workers had to continue to serve needy families through effective intervention and the one-stop service offered by the integrated family service centre.


Mr Tsang also watched how clinical supervision was done on site while a social worker was counselling a client in an interview room installed with audio-visual recording and one-way glass.


He then chatted with a group of women and elderly volunteers who were preparing gifts for their visits to vulnerable families in the district, and was presented with a small potted plant.


"I am impressed by the dedication of the staff and the selflessness of the volunteers who have been helping people in need. I hope society as a whole can continue to work together to build a caring and harmonious community," Mr Tsang said.

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