An independent committee has been formed to investigate the body mix-up at Fu Shan Public Mortuary, the Department of Health says.
It comprises Wan Chi-keung, Nora Yau and Jasminia Cheung, senior administrators in private or non-government organisations and experienced in community services.
With Mr Wan as convenor, the group will review procedures at Hong Kong's public mortuaries and make recommendations to the Director of Health.
Interim measures
The department has briefed mortuary staff on working procedures and reminded them to exercise due care in checking the identity of every body before handover to families.
With immediate effect, staff are required to double-check body identities before identification by family members. Relatives will be asked to view bodies and check particulars on identification bracelets before collection.
To further enhance efficiency, the record system, including receipt and dispatch of bodies, will be computerised in phases. The system for Kwai Chung Public Mortuary is in operation and that for Fu Shan will be ready in 2006-07.
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