A population by-census will be conducted from July 15 to August 1, reviewing detailed socio-economic characteristics of about 220,000 households in Hong Kong, Commissioner for Census & Statistics Fung Hing-wang says.
Speaking on a radio talk show this morning, Mr Fung said the exercise will cost $150 million and one-tenth of the households in the city will be covered.
The commissioner said schools will not need to suspend classes for the exercise because the data-collection process will take place during summer holidays.
The 18-day data-collection period, the longest one for such an exercise, will allow the department to have more time to arrange its work.
5,000 teachers, students to be hired
About 5,000 teachers and college students will be hired as temporary staff for the exercise, Mr Fung said, adding training courses will be arranged in April.
The courses will cover topics including data-collection concepts and definitions, standard procedures and interviewing techniques.
Mr Fung said PIN numbers will be given to citizens who choose to complete electronic questionnaires. They can download personalised questionnaires from a dedicated website.
The commissioner reiterated that all information collected will be handled in strict confidence for privacy protection.