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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 30, 2006
Food safety 

18 ill after eating poon choi

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The Centre for Health Protection is investigating the food poisoning of 18 people who ate take-away poon choi bought from the same premises in Kam Tin, Yuen Long.


The 10 men and eight women, aged 9 to 50, developed abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea after the meal on January 29.


Eight sought hospital treatment and one consulted a private doctor. Their symptoms were generally mild.


Bacterial or viral contamination is the likely cause.


People, especially food handlers, should observe good personal and environmental hygiene to prevent food-borne diseases. When preparing and consuming poon choi:

* thoroughly cook all the ingredients and the centre temperature of the food should reach 75 degrees Celsius;

* cook foods on the day they will be served to minimise the chance of contamination;

* keep poon choi at 60 degrees Celsius or above after cooking;

* order it from a licensed premises and do not pick it up too early in advance for consumption; and,

* reheat it once it arrives home and consume it in one go as soon as possible.


More safety tips are available here.