The Women's Commission has published a booklet, Gender Mainstreaming: Hong Kong Experience, to share the experiences of application of the gender mainstreaming checklist within the Government.
So far, the Government has completed applying the checklist in 14 policy or programmes areas, and the checklist will be applied to five additional areas in 2005-06.
The booklet contains, among others, 12 case examples of the application of the checklist in Government policy or programme areas. Examples include:
* The Home Affairs Bureau has set 25% as a gender benchmark target for appointment of advisory and statutory bodies;
* The Food & Environmental Hygiene Department has increased the public toilets compartment ratio (female to male) from 1.5:1 to 2:1 since 2004;
* The Building Department issued a practice note in 2005 to increase female toilets in shopping arcades, cinemas and public entertainment premises; and
* The Information Services Department has included a standard requirement in their tender documents that their bidders should ensure the absence of gender bias or inequality in their publicity work.
The booklet is now available on the commission's website.