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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 13, 2006
Bird flu
More chicken imports during Lunar New Year

The daily quantity of live Mainland chicken imports will rise for five days to meet Lunar New Year demand, the Health, Welfare & Food Bureau says.


Imports will rise from 30,000 chickens to 50,000 on January 24 and 25 and to 70,000 on January 26, 27 and 28.


If human or poultry avian influenza infection is found in Guangdong or Hong Kong, the bureau will immediately suspend live chicken imports.


The Food & Environmental Hygiene Department will monitor the hygiene of live poultry retail outlets and check for overstocking.


An additional rest day will be held January 31. All live poultry outlets will have to suspend business and conduct thorough cleansing and disinfection.