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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department March 18, 2025
January 6, 2006
Food safety
Phased food safety framework reform mooted

The proposed food safety regulatory framework reorganisation can be phased-in by setting up a Centre for Food Safety first, which seems to have general support, Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Carrie Yau says.


Mrs Yau told lawmakers today separating the food safety regulation and primary production facilitation functions is a world trend among developed countries, which would allow the food safety regulator to act more independently to protect consumer interest.


She said reorganisation would provide better delineation of responsibilities while pooling expertise and knowledge on food safety under one institution.


Mrs Yau said the bureau would study views from the public, academics, professional organisations, the mass media and the trade, adding based on the consensus, strengthening the imported food side of business will start first.


She said countries like the US, Canada, UK, Finland, Ireland, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and Thailand, have chosen either a complete separation of functions under different ministries, or have the functions carried out by different executive arms under one ministry.


As potential conflict of interest may arise from the regulatory and facilitation roles to be performed by the same department, Mrs Yau said this would be taken into account when deciding the way forward in enhancing consumer protection and promoting the sector's interests.