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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 16, 2005


Household canvass set for July
Trend setters: Collecting information from selected households' members helps the Census & Statistics department stay abreast of the local population's detailed socio-economic characteristics.

A population by-census will be conducted from July 15 to August 1, the Census & Statistics Department says.


This data-collection excercise will review detailed socio-economic characteristics of one-tenth of the households in Hong Kong. Enumerators will visit these selected households during the 18-day period and ask members to complete the questionnaires.


All information collected will be handled in strict confidence for privacy protection.


Since 1961, Hong Kong has conducted a popultion census every 10 years and a by-census in between. The aim is to obtain up-to-date information on the population's socio-economic characteristics and its geographical distribution.


The data help make projections concerning population, household, labour force and employment, the department said.


The Census & Statistics (2006 Population Census) Order, published in the Gazette today, will be tabled at the Legislative Council on December 21.