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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
November 26, 2005


Free physical fitness tests on offer
free fitness test
Health check: A girl takes a standing long jump at the free physical fitness test at Kowloon Park.

A three-month project offering a free physical fitness test for people aged three to 69 has been launched, with up to 8,000 people expected to take the exam.


The project, Physical Fitness Test for the Community, aims to give the public a general understanding of their fitness condition, setting up a data bank on the physical condition of the population, and identifying the correlation between their physical exercise pattern and physical condition.


The project is an initiative under the Hong Kong, Guangzhou & Macau Sports Exchange & Co-operation Agreement. It also forms part of the on-going Healthy Exercise for All Campaign organised by the Leisure & Cultural Services Department and the Department of Health to encourage people to exercise regularly.


From now until February next year, people aged three to 69 are welcome to take free physical fitness tests at designated leisure venues. Participants will receive a card recording the results, a souvenir and a complimentary Healthy Exercise for All Campaign VCD after completing the tests. Physical Fitness Association staff will answer enquiries on site.


More details of the project are available here, or call 2601 7653.