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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
October 29, 2005
Avian flu
Chance of house crows carrying avian flu low
LCSD notices
No feeding: Notices have been erected at Leisure & Cultural Services Department venues reminding visitors not to feed birds.

The chance of house crows transmitting avian flu viruses is very low, as test results of more than 100 samples over the past two years were all negative and the species seldom mixes with waterbirds.


The Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department said a scheme launched since last year to monitor and control house crows, which being an exotic invasive species, has also been successful.


The department said with the implementation of different measures including anaesthetic baiting and the removal of eggs and chicks, the local house crow population has stablised at less than 300. Effective measures will continue to cut their numbers and thus their impact on the local ecology and environment.


The public should observe good personal hygiene and avoid contact with wild birds.


The health of birds kept at Leisure & Cultural Services Department venues is under close watch and cleaning has been stepped up.


Notices have been erected and staff patrols strengthened to remind people not to feed birds or have contact with wild birds.