Stay alert: Representatives from 16 departments meet today to review the latest dengue fever situation. |
The Government has stayed alert to the risk of Dengue fever and spare no efforts in carrying out anti-mosquito measures, Centre for Health Protection Consultant Dr Thomas Tsang said after chairing a committee meeting of representatives from 16 departments.
They met today to review the latest Dengue fever situation and the territory-wide campaign against the mosquito-borne illness. They also discussed co-ordination strategies, and exchanged work plans.
Dr Tsang said the meeting was timely in view of the recent and rising outbreaks of Dengue fever in some Southeast Asian countries.
"A considerable number of places in Southeast Asia are plagued by Dengue fever. This year, 18 out of the 19 imported cases of Dengue fever in Hong Kong come from the region," he added.
Representatives attending the meeting were from: the Department of Health; Health, Welfare & Food Bureau; Architectural Services Department; Education & Manpower Bureau; Food & Environmental Hygiene Department; Housing Department; Marine Department; Environmental Protection Department; Social Welfare Department; Leisure & Cultural Services Department; Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department; Home Affairs Department; Lands Department; Highways Department; Information Services Department; and the Hospital Authority.