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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 23, 2005


Streptococcus infection confirmed
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The Centre for Health Protection has received a Streptococcus suis infection report concerning a 62-year-old woman, bringing the year's total to 11.


The Lam Tin resident developed fever, chills, stiffness, left knee and calf pain on August 18, and was admitted to United Christian Hospital the next day.


She had no recent travel history and is now clinically stable. Her home contact has no symptoms and has been put under medical surveillance.


The centre said lab tests conducted on the first nine cases this year showed different bacterial strains, adding this suggests the previous cases are sporadic and there was no link between them.


Results of the recent two cases are pending. Initial investigations suggest there are no epidemiological links between the recent two cases.


Preventive measures

People are advised to observe personal and environmental hygiene and avoid contact with pigs. If contact with pigs or raw pork is necessary:

* use protective gloves;

* wash hands after handling; and

* clean and cover all wounds.


Click here or visit the Travellers' Health Service website for more information on Streptococcus suis.