A project aiming to nurture social capital by encouraging voluntarism and caring in the student community will be launched in October, Commission on Poverty Task Force on Children & Youth Dr Philemon Choi says.
At its second meeting today, the task force noted the Government, non-governmental bodies and volunteers have worked to tackle intergenerational poverty and nurturing youngsters' healthy development.
"To maximise its impact, the task force should not duplicate the work of the other fora. Rather, it should add value by improving their interface, so various policies and programmes are better integrated to ensure the wholesome development of children and youths," Dr Choi said.
Members also considered it desirable to complete socially enriching efforts by proposing new modes of collaboration. Towards this end, members supported building on voluntarism in the community through projects such as "Adopt-A-School" and the "Mentorship Fun" Project which will launch in October.