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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 15, 2005


Forums to be held on Sun Yat-sen Museum
Dr Sun Yat-sen
Views sought: The Museum of History will conduct two consultation forums to collect public views on the Sun Yat-sen Museum.

The Museum of History will conduct two consultation forums to collect public views on the Sun Yat-sen Museum.


They will be held today and October 14 from 6.30pm at the Museum of History's lecture hall. Admission is limited to 140, on a first-come, first-served basis.


In February 2004, the Government acquired Kom Tong Hall, an historic building on Castle Road in Central, and plans to convert it into the Sun Yat-sen Museum.


Featuring Dr Sun's life history and revolutionary career, the museum will focus on his involvement in Hong Kong' s political, social and economic arenas.


Renovation works will start in September for completion in December next year. The opening is scheduled for early 2007.