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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 30, 2005
Public consultation
All WKCD views to be considered

The six-month-plus public consultation on the development of the West Kowloon Cultural District closed today. More than 251,000 people visited the WKCD exhibit, and the Government has received more than 33,100 comment cards and 480 written submissions. 


A Government-commissioned independent academic research institute conducted phone polls. It will also analyse views collected in the consultation exercise and submit its report to the Government later. This will be published for public information.


The Government will give careful considerations to the views collected before making a decision on the development's next step.


Enthusiastic response from all community sectors

Launched on December 16, 2004, the exercise aimed to promote public understanding and encourage discussion. The Government and the proponents staged an exhibition of the three screened-in proposals at the Hong Kong Science Museum, followed by the Hong Kong City Hall and the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. 


More than 10 smaller-scale regional exhibitions were also organised.


The Government organised a number of open discussion forums involving the public, district personalities, arts and cultural groups and professional bodies. Government representatives also participated in forums to discuss the district's development.


Legislative Council members, the Town Planning Board and the Harbourfront Enhancement Committee were shown the screened-in proposals. The Administration also consulted the 18 District Councils to solicit their members' views.


Lucky draw results to be published July 15

Results of the second lucky draw for those who submitted comment cards between March 29 and June 30 will be published on July 15 in the South China Morning Post, Sing Tao Daily and on the WKCD website. Each winner will be awarded a one-year Leisure & Cultural Services Department Museum Pass.