In view of public concern, the Broadcasting Authority will withhold the relaxation of limits on the advertising of restricted medical preparations on television and radio.
At its meeting today, the authority accepted the Broadcasting Authority Codes of Practice Committee's recommendation to withhold the relaxation of the restrictions under Part I of the Pharmacy & Poisons Ordinance (Cap.138) and Schedule I of the Antibiotics Regulations, Antibiotics Ordinance (Cap.137).
At its meeting in April, the authority considered eight cases concerning 16 complaints substantiated.
The authority also noted that in April, the Commissioner for Television & Entertainment Licensing dealt with 166 cases (302 complaints) under her delegated authority, of which 10 cases (11 complaints) were classified as minor breaches, and 102 cases (216 complaints) as unsubstantiated, under section 11 of the Broadcasting Authority Ordinance; and 54 cases (75 complaints) were outside section 11 of the Broadcasting Authority Ordinance.