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May 16, 2005


Bun scrambling comes to fruitful end
Bun Scrambling Competition
Scramble masters: After an exciting round of climbing, the trophy went to Kwok Ka-ming (centre), who led with a narrow edge of 30 marks over the first runner-up Yau Hung-ming (right), who scored 423 marks. The second runner-up was Lam Ka-chun (left), who scored 398 marks.

The Bun Scrambling Competition, revived this year after a 26-year hiatus, came to a fruitful end early Monday morning.


Twelve shortlisted contestants, 10 men and two women, climbed a 14-metre-tall bun tower to snatch as many buns for the highest scores within the three-minute limit.


The trophy went to Kwok Ka-ming, who led with a narrow edge of 30 marks over the first runner-up, Yau Hung-ming, who scored 423 marks. Following them closely was Lam Ka-chun, who scored 398 marks.


The activity was well received, attracting more than1,000 spectators to Cheung Chau Pak Tai Temple Playground soccer pitch.


To ensure that the competition would proceed safely while retaining the traditional atmosphere, a steel frame certified safe by a licensed structural engineer was built. Bamboo poles were used to enclose the tower's steel framework.


All contestants were obliged to wear safety harnesses and ropes.

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