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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
May 6, 2005


Applications open for Music Office bands
Leisure & Cultural Services Department

Young musicians can now join the Music Office's ensembles to hone their talents. The office is recruiting members for its 16 bands and orchestras, and two choirs. Training will start in September and run until next May. The application deadline is May 17.


Young musicians aged 25 or under who have attained the required musical standard can apply. In addition to weekly rehearsals, members can join community cultural activities and concerts, and collaborate with musicians from the Mainland and overseas.


Training is free but musicians must bring their own instruments (except for bulky ones) to rehearsals and performances, and to pay for their uniforms and musical scores.

Leaflets and application forms are now available at all Music Office music centres or on this website. Qualified applicants will be invited to attend auditions in June or July and take a sight-reading test. Results will be released mid-August.


For enquiries call the Music Office's centres at 2802 0657 (Hong Kong), 2796 2893 (Kwun Tong), 2399 2200 (Mong Kok), 2158 6462 (Sha Tin) and 2417 6429 (Tsuen Wan).