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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
April 29, 2005
Youth forum logo design contest opens
Commission on youth

Members of the public, especially young people, are invited to take part in a logo design competition for the Youth Forum.


The district-based youth forums provide a platform for young people to participate in public affairs through deliberating on policy issues and conveying their views to the Government and the wider community.


Young people can enhance their understanding of the forum through participation in the competition. It is divided into youth and adult categories. Winners will receive cash awards, certificates of merit and gifts. Participants can either submit their design online at the Youth Forum website or by post to Sing Tao Publishing, 2/F, Tower B, Sing Tao Building, 1 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon.


To encourage wider participation, there is a prize for the winner of and the voter for My Favourite Youth Forum Logo Design. Members of the public can select their favourite logo design through online voting from June 1 to 12.


Application forms are available at the website and at District Offices' Public Enquiry Service Centres. Deadline for entry submission is May 23. Results will be announced on the website on June 19.