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Traditional ChineseSimplified ChineseText onlyPDA
April 13, 2005


Medical fee mechanism proving effective

The medical fee-waiving mechanism has proven effective with 94%, or nearly $464 million, of the fees waived in 2004-05 for eligible people using public hospital services.


The Health, Welfare & Food Bureau said today total medical fees waived in the previous year amounted to $490 million. The waiver mechanism ensures the medical needs of low income, chronically ill and elderly patients with limited income are adequately covered.


It was enhanced in 2003 with more transparent and objective assessment of a patient's eligibility for exemption from payment. Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme recipients have been exempted from paying public sector medical fees.


Public hospitals serve 95% of in-patients. The average cost per in-patient per day is $3,600 while the fee is $150 for the first day of admission and $100 per subsequent day. Non-urgent patients take up 70% of accident and emergency attendance. While the average cost of accident and emergency consultation is $830, the accident and emergency charge is $100.


The bureau said the Hospital Authority Samaritan Fund will be able to help needy patients, and the Government will seek approval of $200 million from the Legislative Council for the fund.

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