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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 22, 2005
Food safety

Food dye found in chilli oil sample

Food & Environmental Hygiene Department

Sudan IV has been detected in a Koon Yick Wah Kee chilli oil sample taken from a supermarket in Ho Man Tin, the Food & Environmental Hygiene Department says. The manufacturer and the shop have been asked to recall and stop selling the products of the same batch. The sample was taken from a 50ml bottle with a best before date of December 30, 2006.


The department took 14 samples of Koon Yick Wah Kee chilli products from Koon Yick Wah Kee Foods Factory (Hong Kong) and from retail outlets following the detection of Sudan I in chilli oil under a similar brand name on the Mainland. However, there is no evidence suggesting the positive sample in Hong Kong is related to the Mainland products.


While there are no immediate health risks and there should be no cause for undue alarm, the department has stepped up surveillance on Sudan dyes since mid-February. More than 60 samples on products like sauces and chilli powder have been collected for testing.


Other than a chilli powder sample earlier found to contain Sudan I and IV, two other products collected from an Indian restaurant in Sha Tin and Yuen Long, were tested to contain Sudan I. The products were used as a curry recipe, and all remaining stock has been surrendered.


The department will continue step up inspections and check if similar products are available. Traders are urged to ensure all food for sale complies with local food laws and is fit for human consumption.