The Home Affairs Bureau will appoint 600 middle-class people to the-newly formed Public Affairs Forum, which advises the Government on major public issues. So far 340 people have agreed to serve.
The membership list has been posted on the forum's website, which also serves as a platform for exchange of views.
One of the initiatives outlined in the Chief Executive's 2004 Policy Address, the bureau said the forum shows the Government attaches great importance to the middle class, appreciates their values and beliefs, and their aspirations in participating in public affairs.
Members comprise mainly salaried employees from the business, professional and academic fields who have attained tertiary education or professional qualifications.
The forum operates through a dedicated website which offers a platform for exchange of views among members, giving them maximum flexibility in holding discussions.
Balanced composition
The bureau said in identifying suitable people for appointment to the forum, regard is given to the need to have a balanced gender composition and representation from different sectors.
Discussion topics, consultation papers and online polls will be posted on the website for comments and voting. Discussion topics on discrimination against new arrivals from the Mainland and discrimination on the ground of sexual orientation are now open for discussion.
The public are welcome to visit the website, but access to the forum discussion room will be restricted to members.