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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
February 26, 2005


Chrysomya bezziana case confirmed
Centre for Health Protection

The Centre for Health Protection has confirmed a chrysomya bezziana infestation involving a 50-year-old woman, bringing this year's total number of cases to two.


The woman, living in Wan Chai with no recent travel history, got fever and had maggots in an ulder in her left lower limb on February 18. She was admitted to Ruttonjee Hospital two days later and is now in stable condition.


Chrysomya bezziana feed on the host's dead or living tissue, and feeding may cause serious tissue damage, resulting in loss of condition, injury to the skin, secondary invasion and death.


There were eight chrysomya bezziana infestations reported last year and nine in 2003.


Here are some tips to avoid chrysomya bezziana infestation:

* All wounds should be treated immediately. Wound fluids and blood are known to be attractive to chrysomya bezziana. To avoid infestation, wounds should be cleaned and dressed properly;

* Fly infestation could be avoided by proofing measures, including installation of fly screening materials to human dwelling places, dressing of wounds and maintaining good ventilation;

* Observe good personal and environmental hygiene;

* Staff of elderly homes should ensure good environmental hygiene, be alert to inmates developing symptoms of the disease and arrange for inmates who feel unwell to seek medical consultation promptly.