The Social Security Appeal Board received 204 appeals against decisions relating to benefits in 2003-04, up 18% on the preceding year.
The appeals comprised 72 Comprehensive Social Security Assistance cases, up 60%, 131 Social Security Allowance cases, up 4%, and one Traffic Accident Victims Assistance case, down 50%.
The board heard 169 cases, with 64 of them brought forward from the previous year. No board hearings were conducted for eight cases brought forward from the previous year due to the appellants' withdrawal of the appeals.
Of the appeals, the board backed the Social Welfare Department's stance in 123 cases and varied its decisions in 46 cases. Forty-three of these 46 cases were appeals against a medical decision and three non-medical CSSA cases appealed against the department's decisions. For the previous year, 133 cases were heard and the board backed the department in 102 cases.
Anyone dissatisfied with the decision of the department in respect of eligibility and payment of social security benefits can appeal in writing to the board, which is an independent body. An appeal can be lodged at the office of the Appeal Board, the department's headquarters or any of its 37 social security field units, or the Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Section.