Photography enthusiasts are invited to enter the Whisper of Spring Photo Competition, being held in conjunction with the annual Hong Kong Flower Show. The competition is jointly organised by the Leisure & Cultural Services Department and TVB.
The show, which has the rhododendron as its theme flower this year, runs from March 11 to 20 in Victoria Park, from 9am to 9pm daily.
The competition aims to promote community greening with impressive photographs of flowers and plants on display, scenes captured at the showground, and portraits of TVB entertainers and Miss Hong Kong 2004 titleholders with garden displays as a background.
The competition is divided into three categories. Category A, "Portrait of TVB Artistes & Miss Hong Kong", comprising open and school sections, will hold its shooting session from 3.30pm to 4.30pm on March 10 in Victoria Park.
Entry details
Entrants must submit their applications to the Secretariat of Hong Kong Flower Show, 11/F, Leisure & Cultural Services Headquarters, 1-3 Pai Tau Street, Sha Tin by February 18. Admission fees are $30 for adults and $15 for students, senior citizens and people with disabilities.
All entries must be submitted by mail or in person to the Secretariat of the Hong Kong Flower Show, 11/F, Leisure & Cultural Services Headquarters, 1-3 Pai Tau Street, Sha Tin, by noon on April 16.
Winning entries will be put on display at Kowloon Park Arcade and the Green Education & Resource Centre between June and July.
For details, refer to the leaflets and entry forms available at the department's District Offices, or visit its website. For enquiries call 2723 6232.
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