Collecting has started for the Book Donation & Sale Campaign 2005, which will promote reading and book sharing and help the needy.
All books will be sold for $5 each, with the proceeds donated to the Community Chest.
Donors can take books to public libraries (except mobile libraries) until February 23. Adult's and children's books on general subjects are welcome, except textbooks for primary and secondary schools, exercise books, magazines and audio-visual materials.
Donated books will be put on sale for charity on February 26 and 27 from 10am to 6pm at Central Library, Boundary Street Sports Centre, and Yuen Wo Road Sports Centre.
The event is jointly organised by the Leisure & Cultural Services and Home Affairs Departments, District Councils, the Housing Authority, Hongkong Post, the Community Chest and the Agency for Volunteer Service.
For enquires call 2921 0221.
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