Hong Kong and the Mainland have agreed to maintain close liaison and co-operation on matters relating to port health, quarantine and inspection for live food animals and ensuring food safety and public health.
In a meeting today between a Hong Kong delegation led by Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Dr York Chow and the Mainland's Minister of the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine Li Changjiang, both sides reviewed the progress of work achieved during the past year, following the signing of the Co-operation Arrangement.
Good progress
The meeting found significant progress in:
* inspection and quarantine procedures for live poultry imports;
* chemical residues in food animal products;
* the speedy exchange of information on food safety matters that has enabled rapid response action to be taken; and,
* the exchange of information concerning infectious diseases and vector surveillance in port.
Noting the collaboration in border health measures has been effective, both sides could make use of the existing port control measures to deal with influenza but still needed to maintain vigilance with a view to enhancing public health protection.
Inquiry into orange safety
"On the matter concerning a small quantity of coloured oranges found on sale in Hong Kong and the Mainland, we were informed that the AQSIQ had conducted a thorough investigation into the incident to ensure the safety of oranges for export to Hong Kong," he said.
Consensus was also reached for the export of chilled pork from the Mainland. Importation is expected to start in the first quarter of next year.
Dr Chow earlier met National Chief Veterinary Officer and Director General of the Veterinary Bureau Jia Youling. They exchanged views on notification of animal infectious diseases and offshore fishing.
The delegation will visit the Ministries of Commerce and Civil Affairs tomorrow.