To improve public hygiene, works to convert 100 aqua privies near sightseeing spots and other popular areas into flushing toilets will start by year's end.
Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Dr York Chow told legislators today there are 582 aqua privies managed by the Food & Environmental Hygiene and Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Departments.
Dr Chow said the programme's first phase, covering 30 aqua privies, will finish in the second half of 2006. The Architectural Services Department is conducting feasibility studies and outline design work on the remaining 70 aqua privies under phase two.
Finance Committee funding approval will be sought in the first half of next year and the conversion programme is expected to end in 2007.
For aqua privies not covered in the conversion programme, including those on Lamma Island and at Tai O, Dr Chow said the Government will take into account factors like actual needs, availability of public sewerage and cost-effectiveness in deciding whether to convert more of them into flushing toilets.
Toilet systems sampled
New environmental-friendly toilet waste treatment systems are being considered by the Government to improve sanitary conditions and a trial scheme has been launched to examine their feasibility.
Cleansing services for the aqua privies at popular spots, particular during public holidays, will be stepped up.
There are plans to build 20 flushing public toilets in the New Territories and Islands District and funding has been secured for 13 projects. Some are now being constructed and some will be made in the coming years.
The Government will also seek funds to build seven more public toilets which are expected to be completed in the next few years.
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