Proposals will be invited for the development of a cruise terminal facility to meet Hong Kong's medium-term needs.
After its bi-monthly meeting today, the Harbour-front Enhancement Committee said the exercise aims to solicit innovative proposals and will allow flexibility for the private sector to forward proposals on the location, development and operation of the terminal.
The tip of the former Kai Tak airport runway is the preferred site for facilities meeting long-term demand, and the entire planning review process, including the statutory procedures, is expected to be completed in early 2008.
Some committee members expressed concern over the possible future location of the terminal and its impact on the overall design and planning of the harbour front, and the environmental impact assessment and the public participation processes the exercise will go through. The Commissioner of Tourism vowed to carefully consider the views expressed by members.
Submission arrangements endorsed
The committee endorsed arrangements for handling submissions and requests for presentation made to it by individuals or organisations.
The committee should adopt an open-door policy and welcome private submissions and requests for presentation, Committee Chairman Professor Lee Chack-fan said.
Special meetings will be held quarterly to brief members on the requests for presentation and the meetings will be open to the public.
Between special meetings, relevant sub-committees may discuss submissions and requests for presentation as the chairmen and members of the sub-committees deem appropriate or necessary.
Central Zoning Plan
The Society for Protection of the Harbour gave a presentation on its rezoning request in relation to the Central District (Extension) Outline Zoning Plan.
The Planning Department also briefed members on the planning intention of the plan, the rationale behind the planned land use, and the consultation and funding process leading to the plan's finalisation.
In order not to pre-empt discussion by the Town Planning Board, the committee will keep in view the decision of the board and respect the due process that the society's request has to go through.
"As regards the future land use of the reclaimed land, the sub-committee on the Wan Chai Development Phase II Review will further discuss the matter as necessary," Professor Lee said.
The next committee meeting will be held on January 13.
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