More than 150 local and overseas academics, professionals, representatives from non-government organisations and the business sector today exchanged views and shared experiences in a seminar on poverty.
Jointly organised by the Central Policy Unit and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the event aimed to bring about a better understanding of the poverty issue. It also served to promote cross-sector dialogue and co-operation in helping the poor.
Addressing the seminar, Head of the Central Policy Unit Professor Lau Siu-kai said the problem is complicated and it is caused by many factors relating to the economy, family, culture, education, population, health and psychology.
"Understanding poverty requires a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive approach. Cross-sectoral and inter-departmental co-operation is also essential in tackling the issue," he said.
Cross-sector dialogue, partnership important
Three overseas academics were invited to give talks in the first part of the seminar. Professor Peter Townsend, a renowned scholar from the London School of Economics, shared his views on "Globalisation: International & National solutions to Poverty", while British Parliament Member Jean Corston talked about the UK's situation and experiences. Dr Yap Mui Teng of the Institute of Policy Studies in Singapore also gave a speech on "Singapore: Many Helping Hands Approach".
Panel discussions were held in the second part of the seminar. Representatives exchanged views on their sector's work and contributions in dealing with poverty.
While recognising the importance of cross-sector dialogue, participants also agreed that the government, business and non-profit-making sectors should help the poor through close partnership.