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September 19, 2004
CE congratulates paralympic medallists

Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa today congratulated the Hong Kong delegation to the 2004 Paralympic Games in Athens on winning a total of five medals, three gold and two silver, in wheelchair fencing on the first day of events.

In women's individual epee, Yu Chui-yee and Fan Pui-shan won the gold and silver medals respectively for Category A, while Chan Yui-chong received a silver medal for Category B.

In the men's individual foil, Fung Ying-ki and Hui Charn-hung both grabbed gold medals, for Category A and Category B respectively.

Mr Tung was impressed by their brilliant performance.

"This is a very good start for the Hong Kong team in the Paralympics. I am confident that athletes in other events will also try their best," he said.

Secretary for Home Affairs Dr Patrick Ho also extended his congratulations to the Hong Kong delegation, saying he was proud of the athletes and wishing them the best in upcoming events.

The Hong Kong team of 26 athletes are competing in six events - athletics, boccia, judo, shooting, table tennis and wheelchair fencing - in the Paralympics, which is held between September 18 and 28.


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