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August 18, 2004



$9.6m allocated to 124 charity projects


The Sir Robert Ho Tung Charitable Fund has allocated $9.6 million to 124 projects covering medicine and health, rehabilitation, social welfare, special education and the community recently. The donations enable 95 organisations to improve and extend their services.


Among the projects, some of the major grants include:

* $1.1 million for Tung Wah Group of Hospitals to acquire equipment for elderly and chronically ill patients, and to organise education camps for mentally disabled children;

* $750,000 for the Samaritan Fund to provide financial assistance to needy patients in public hospitals and clinics;

* $500,000 for St John Ambulance to procure medical equipment and conduct improvement works at regional headquarters;

* $500,000 for the United Christian Hospital to acquire medical equipment for infant patients;

* $300,000 for the Haven of Hope Christian Service to buy a school bus for mentally disabled students; and,

* $270,000 for the Evangel Children's Home to renovate children's living quarters.


Other fund recipients include the Salvation Army, Hong Chi Association, Wu Oi Christian Centre, the Down Syndrome Association, Rehabilitation Power, Kwai Chung Hospital, Tuen Mun Hospital and Queen Elizabeth Hospital.


As one of Hong Kong's major trusts, the fund was set up in 1956 with a bequest of $500,000 by the late Sir Robert Ho Tung. It is now managed by HSBC Trustee (Hong Kong) Ltd.

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