Field trip: The working group reviewing lifeguard deployment visits the Sha Tin Jockey Club Swimming Pool. |
The working group reviewing lifeguard deployment has confirmed its terms of reference and set out its priority for reviewing individual aquatic venues at its first meeting today. The review will take three months to complete.
The group will also visit the Leisure & Cultural Services Department's 36 swimming pools and 32 beaches to understand the arrangement and offer practical suggestions on improvements to facilities.
The group is chaired by the department's Assistant Director Paul Cheung, with members from the department, pool and beach frontline managerial staff and lifeguards, and Life Saving Society representatives.
Mr Cheung said he is disappointed the Hong Kong & Kowloon Life Guard's Union has declined the department's repeated invitation to partake in the working group.
"Views and suggestions from the union will always be welcomed," he said, adding that the union will be briefed on the group's work progress and findings.
Terms of reference
* To review the principles on lifeguard deployment at public pools and beaches, including basic provision, seasonal requirement of temporary lifeguards and special manpower arrangements for individual pools;
* to assess the effectiveness of this year's lifeguard deployment plans for public pools and beaches;
* to make reference to overseas practices on lifeguard deployment and consider the applicability of these practices to similar local facilities; and,
* to recommend next year's lifeguard deployment plans for public pools and beaches.
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