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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 26, 2004
Working groups on lifeguard issues formed
Leisure & Cultural Services Department

Two working groups with union participation will be formed to review lifeguard establishment and examine the factors and mechanism for determining salaries for temporary contracts next year.


Speaking after meeting with the Hong Kong & Kowloon Life Guards' Union today, Director of Leisure & Cultural Services Anissa Wong said the move will be a significant step towards resolving the issue.


"We hope the two working groups will work out concrete suggestions with a view to further enhancing public service," Ms Wong said.


The working group on lifeguard establishment will quickly look into the lifeguard deployment at pools of special concern to the union.


The working group on salary levels should examine factors including qualifications of the department's temporary lifeguards, their job responsibilities and the market pay trend.


"The findings will be very useful for working out the salary level for the coming year," she said.


The department also agreed to provide to the union in detail the present mechanism for determining the salary level of temporary contract lifeguards.


Proposed terms of reference and work schedules of the two working groups will be put in writing to the union within the week.