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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 16, 2004


Japanese Encephalitis a notifiable disease
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To step up surveillance of Japanese Encephalitis, the Government has included it in the list of infectious diseases specified in the First Schedule to the Quarantine & Prevention of Diseases Ordinance (Chapter 141).


There are now 30 infectious diseases on the list.


The legislative amendment, which is gazetted today, will enhance coverage of the infectious diseases surveillance system to enable the Government to strengthen surveillance, facilitate early detection and the implementation of appropriate public health control measures when necessary, the Department of Health said.


Regulation 4 of the Prevention of the Spread of Infectious Diseases Regulations requires medical practitioners to notify the Director of Health if they have reason to suspect the existence of any infectious diseases specified in the First Schedule to the Ordinance.


The Centre for Health Protection is sending letters to individual doctors reminding them of the requirement to notify Japanese Encephalitis cases to the centre.