Joint efforts: The Inter-departmental Co-ordinating Committee on Dengue Fever reviews the territory-wide campaign against the illness. |
The Inter-departmental Co-ordinating Committee on Dengue Fever has reviewed the territory-wide campaign to fight the illness, its second such meeting this year.
During the meeting, representatives from the participating departments reviewed the anti-mosquito work done so far, discussed co-ordination strategy, and exchanged plans for the summer months.
The outcome of the meeting will be submitted to the Anti-mosquito Steering Committee which will be convened June 21.
Committee chairman, Department of Health's Dr Thomas Tsang said the meeting aimed to review the Government's anti-mosquito operations in view of higher mosquito prevalence expected in the summer rainy season.
Dr Tsang said the campaign will include intensive clean-up operations and beefed-up publicity efforts to educate the public on the prevention and control measures.
"We will be working closely with different sectors of the community in the fight against Dengue fever.
"The success of the anti-mosquito campaign rests greatly with the public's participation," he said.
Representatives from the following bodies attended the meeting:
* Department of Health;
* Health, Welfare & Food Bureau;
* Architectural Services Department;
* Education & Manpower Bureau;
* Food & Environmental Hygiene Department;
* Housing Department;
* Marine Department;
* Environmental Protection Department;
* Social Welfare Department;
* Leisure & Cultural Services Department;
* Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department;
* Home Affairs Department;
* Lands Department;
* Highways Department;
* Information Services Department; and
* the Hospital Authority.
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