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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 16, 2004

Applications invited to run employment projects


Non-profit making organisations are invited to apply for a three-year term of funding to support the second round of Intensive Employment Assistance Projects. The applications start today and continue until July 19.


The projects are tailor-made for employable Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients and 'near CSSA' recipients to help improve their job skills so they can move towards greater self-reliance.


Last year, the department obtained a $200 million allocation from the Lotteries Fund and Jockey Club Charities Trust to support up to 100 Intensive Employment Assistance Projects over a four-year period. They are expected to serve 27,000 unemployed.


With these funds, operating agencies may provide project participants individualised employment assistance services to enhance their employability as well as their ability to sustain employment, and 'Temporary Financial Aid' to tide them over short-term financial hardship so that they do not fall into the CSSA net.


Relieving pressure on CSSA expenditure

Director of Social Welfare Paul Tang said the easing of the growth rate of the CSSA unemployment caseload was not only the result of a fall in new applications but showed the effectiveness of the intensified support for self-reliance measures.


"If we can encourage the return of employable CSSA recipients to the labour market, we can relieve the pressure on CSSA expenditure. We also look forward to co-operating with various sectors of the community to strengthen our Welfare-to-Work programmes," Mr Tang said.


In the first batch launched last year, 40 projects were approved. This year, 30 projects will be supported and implemented from October, to September 2007. Outcome-based performance indicators will be used to monitor project effectiveness.


Details and the application forms can be downloaded from the What's News section of the department's website. For enquiries, please call 2231 5870 or 2231 5866.