The daily quantity of Mainland live chicken imports will rise by 10,000 for three days to meet the expected surge in demand during the Tuen Ng Festival.
Imports will rise from 30,000 to about 40,000 between June 18 and 20. However, to ensure the hygienic standard of markets, daily imports will return to 30,000 after the three-day period.
In view of greater demand during Chinese festivals, the Health, Welfare & Food Bureau and the Mainland authorities have agreed to increase the quantity of live chicken imports.
Both have reached a consensus to step up inspection and quarantine measures during the period. Laboratory capacity will also rise to ensure live chickens imported to Hong Kong are healthy for consumption.
Day-old chick imports may resume soon
The bureau expects the importation of day-old chicks to resume before the end of this month.
All the necessary arrangements for the resumption have been made, including agreement with the Mainland on the new inspection and quarantine arrangements and the inspection of the five registered Mainland farms supplying day-old chicks to Hong Kong.
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