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June 16, 2004
Food safety
Food products inspection stepped up: Dr Yeoh

Mainland authorities have informed the Government that products named in the Mainland's recent substandard food products reports are not products exported to Hong Kong, Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Dr Yeoh Eng-kiong says.


Responding to a question from Legislative Councillor Wong Yung-kan today, Dr Yeoh said the Food & Environmental Hygiene Department has stepped up random inspections of similar food products that are available for sale in Hong Kong.


The Government has established a notification mechanism with the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine of the People's Republic of China, he added. 


In case of food safety incidents affecting the food exported to Hong Kong, the relevant Mainland authorities will alert the department for follow-up actions.


Risk-based approach adopted in devising surveillance programme

Dr Yeoh said the food safety control framework in Hong Kong consists of several main components, including safety control of imported food, food surveillance and risk assessment.


"In accordance with international practice, we have adopted a risk-based approach in devising our food surveillance programme."


The Food & Environmental Hygiene Department takes food samples at the import, wholesale and retail levels for microbiological and chemical testing. It will conduct investigation including requesting the retailers, wholesalers or importers concerned to provide information on the imported food products that are found to be problematic or under suspicion. 


The department will then issue warnings or institute prosecution actions against the parties concerned. It also conducts random inspections to ensure that all pre-packaged food products available for sale in the market are labelled in compliance with the legislation so that consumers can make informed choices when purchasing such products. 


If any products do not comply with the labelling requirements, the department will take follow-up actions. It will regularly review the control strategy, as well as the quantity and food types sampled under the food surveillance programme to meet changing needs.

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