The Sports Development Board will be dissolved after September 30, and a new Sports Commission and its three committees will be set up to realise Hong Kong's new visions for sport, Secretary for Home Affairs Dr Patrick Ho says.
The three bodies are the Community Sports, Elite Sports and the Major Sports Events Committees. The Legislative Council passed the Sports Development Board (Repeal) Bill today.
Dr Ho said the new visions include sporting excellence and turning Hong Kong into a sports capital.
The new set up will enable wider participation of various sectors at the policy-formulation level, thus increasing transparency and accountability in the formulation of sports policies for the future.
"The broad representation of the commission and its committees, including from the sports, educational, commercial, health services, media and academic sectors, will enhance cross-sector partnership in sports development and enable our resources to be used more cost-effectively in promoting and nurturing a sustainable and thriving sporting culture in the community," he said.
"The existing administrative structure for sport has room for improvement in that there is no central organisation that can move with the times and take a holistic approach in advising the Government on the overall policy planning, co-ordination, monitoring and resource deployment of sports development. The Sports Commission to be set up will assume this pivotal role."
He said the Government's commitment and investment in Hong Kong's sports development will remain undiminished upon the establishment of the new administrative structure. Funding for elite sports training will not be cut due to the restructuring.
The bill passed will be gazetted on June 18.