Consumers are advised not to buy and use Bing Han Refined Ginseng Powder and Matsuwura Ginsen Powder which contain excessive amounts of pesticides hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexane and quintozene.
The Department of Health has instructed importers to recall the products and surrender them.
Those who have purchased the products are advised to stop using it, dispose of it or surrender it to the department's Pharmaceutical Service at 3/F, Public Health Laboratory Centre, 382 Nam Cheong Street, Kowloon during office hours. A receipt will be issued.
Call the department's hotline 2319 5119 for enquiries during office hours.
Excessive intake of these pesticides might affect the respiratory system, blood, nervous system and the liver.
The department said it has not received any adverse reports from the public associated with the use of these products.
Consumers are advised to consult Chinese medicine practitioners before taking Chinese medicine.