Alarming level: Dr Ho Yuk-yin said Area Ovitrap Indices recorded since April in a number of locations has exceeded 40%, which is an alarming level. |
The Food & Environmental Hygiene Department has appealed for concerted anti-mosquito efforts amid drastic surges in the Area Ovitrap Indices.
The department's latest findings show the index has reached a record high in a number of areas. The department's Consultant Dr Ho Yuk-yin said the index recorded since April in a number of locations has exceeded 40%, which is an alarming level.
"These locations include Tseung Kwan O, Fanling, Tai Po North, Sheung Shui, Aberdeen, Kwun Tong Central and Yuen Kong," Dr Ho said.
An increasing threat
Recent findings showed the places most seriously infested by mosquitoes included housing estates, parks, schools and construction sites.
"The situation, if not addressed promptly, will pose Hong Kong to an increasing threat of Dengue fever," he said.
"Located in the sub-tropical region, Hong Kong is under the constant threat of Dengue fever. A local outbreak affecting 20 people occurred in 2002."
The department will step up both enforcement and education measures on mosquito control to guard against the illness.
From January to April, the department issued 156 written warnings and 41 summonses against offenders, compared with 109 and 59 during the same period last year.
The maximum penalty for offenders is a fine of $25,000. A daily penalty of $450 could be imposed if no improvement is made.
To ensure action will be taken promptly, inter-departmental task forces, chaired by the department, will be set up to co-ordinate anti-mosquito efforts for areas with an index exceeding 20%.
Next anti-mosquito scheme to start
The second phase of the Anti-mosquito Campaign 2004 will last for six weeks, from May 24 to July 3, with an aim to reinforce public anti-mosquito messages.
People are urged to strictly follow the mosquito prevention measures recommended in the Weekly Mosquito Inspection Programme prepared by the department.
These include:
* scrubbing vases and pot plant saucers at least once a week;
* proper disposal of empty containers such as soft drink cans and lunch boxes; and,
* clearing air-conditioner drip trays regularly and drilling large holes in discarded tyres.
For more information on anti-mosquito measures click here.
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