The Government fully appreciates and shares the community's aspirations to protect and preserve the harbour.
The newly-formed Harbourfront Enhancement Committee will provide timely advice and help build consensus to make the harbour a vibrant and accessible waterfront for the public.
As the Housing, Planning & Lands Bureau has said in recent months, all other proposed reclamations have been removed from the outline zoning plans, including those at Tsuen Wan Bay, off Green Island on HK Island West and two piers yet to be reclaimed in West Kowloon.
The remaining Wan Chai North and Southeast Kowloon proposals will be subject to review to ensure that any proposed reclamation will meet the Court of Final Appeal's "overriding public need test".
Committee to be consulted at every stage
The Harbourfront Enhancement Committee will be consulted at every stage of the reviews while the Government will consult widely on these proposals once conceptual plans are ready.
The current works under Central Reclamation III are the final and concluding stage of reclamation in Central which started in 1998. The point of law on the project has been conclusively settled.
Given the urgency of the works to meet the essential transport needs and the contractual implications, there is no valid ground for the Government not to proceed with the works.