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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
April 30, 2004



Laundry rack replacement subsidy proposed

Housing Authority & Housing Dept

A one-off subsidy may be granted to public housing tenants for replacing pole-socket laundry facilities with laundry racks.


Deputy Director of Housing Lau Kai-hung said about 30% of tenants will be interested in the proposal, and it will cost the Housing Authority $26 million.


The proposal will be tabled to the Subsidised Housing Committee on May 19. If endorsed, applications will be invited from June 1.


Under the proposal, the authority will bear half the cost of $400 per rack including installation costs for tenants. As the installation will become tenant fixtures, all subsequent maintenance costs will have to be borne by tenants.


Mr Lau said pole-socket laundry facilities have been used in public housing for over 40 years, and have met safety standards when properly used.


On recent fatal accidents involving pole-socket laundry facilities, Mr Lau reminded tenants to exercise care when using them. They should report any defects to the estate office for repair.