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March 4, 2004


Drug education centre to open in June
Anti-drug education centre
Team effort: Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee says no campaign against drug abuse can succeed without the backing of the people.

Hong Kong's first exhibition centre on drug education - the Hong Kong Jockey Club Drug InfoCentre - began trial visits today in the lead-up to its formal opening.


The centre is scheduled for full operation in June. Until then it will cater for pre-arranged group visits from schools, youth groups, district-based community leaders, anti-drug workers and related non-governmental organisations.


Officiating at today's soft opening, Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee said the centre will concentrate Hong Kong's education efforts by establishing a community-based facility.


Mission: a drug-free community

"Over the years, Hong Kong has spared no effort in its mission to build a healthy and drug-free community and the Government under the guidance of the Action Committee Against Narcotics adopts a multi-pronged approach to combat the drug abuse problem," Mr Lee said.


Preventive education targeting the community has always been a key component of Hong Kong's anti-drug strategy, he said, adding that no campaign against drug abuse can succeed without the backing of the people.


On behalf of the Government, the secretary expressed his gratitude to the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for its donation of $50.58 million. It not only gave a tremendous boost to Hong Kong's war against drugs but also turned the project into a reality.


He also thanked those who had contributed their expertise and advice in developing the exhibits and facilities at the Centre.


Members of the Action Committee Against Narcotics and its sub-committees, the Drug Info Centre Steering Committee, the Fight Crime Committee, and more than 50 consuls-general and their representatives attended today's soft opening.


Drug abuse a global problem requiring a global response

Mr Lee said drug abuse is a global problem and we should look beyond our boundaries when tackling the problem.


"Effective combat against drugs relies on the cooperation and sharing of information among nations," he added.


Centre appeals to young people

The 900-square-metre centre, on the Roof Floor of Low Block, Queensway Government Offices, disseminates anti-drug messages through multimedia exhibits, interactive games and role-play.


Specially designed to appeal to young people, the centre has three exhibit areas, an interactive theatre, a classroom, an info-cafe and a library.

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