Over 500 secondary school students will attempt to make the world's longest ever dental floss chain on February 22.
The Guinness World Record attempt is part of the Department of Health's Love Teeth Campaign promoting oral hygiene.
Participants will each make a dental floss loop and connect them. Over 150 dental care professionals and community members have volunteered to assist. Independent observers have been invited to witness the attempt which starts at 11am at Chater Road, Central.
Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Dr Yeoh Eng-kiong and Director of Health Dr Lam Ping-yan will join other guests to officiate.
Tooth decay still serious
Consultant-in-charge of the department 's Dental Service Dr Joseph Chan said tooth decay and gum disease is still a serious problem in Hong Kong, although oral health has improved considerably over the years.
He said interdental cleaning, such as flossing, is not a social norm, as only 10% of the adult population used dental floss regularly.
"Through this event, students will be able to learn and master the skills of using dental floss. It will also help drive home the message that flossing can help prevent oral diseases and periodontal problems," Dr Chan said.