The Office of the Telecommunications Authority has advised consumers to look for the OFTA label when buying short-range walkie-talkies.
This is to ensure that the equipment is in compliance with the technical specifications prescribed by the authority.
Following a revision of the law in February 2003, the public is now free to use short-range walkie-talkies operating within the frequency bands of 409.74 - 410 MHz, without the need to obtain licences, the OFTA said.
Various models of short-range walkie-talkies can now be found on the market. However, some models may not be in compliance with OFTA's technical specifications, it added.
With short-range walkie-talkies becoming more and more popular, OFTA has advised enthusiasts to look for its label before they buy, to avoid buying goods that do not meet its technical requirements,
Under existing regulations, only certified telecoms products are authorised to carry the OFTA label.
Alternatively, consumers can check with OFTA's website for the list of certified telecoms equipment. The list is updated regularly to keep the public informed about newly approved models.
Under the Telecommunications Ordinance, possession and use of telecoms equipment not meeting the prescribed technical requirements are subject to a maximum penalty of a $50,000 fine and two years' imprisonment.