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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 3, 2004
Medical groups welcome pneumonia monitoring scheme
SARS update
SARS update: Acting Deputy Director of Health Dr Regina Ching exchanges views with local medical groups on the developments concerning the suspected SARS case in Guangzhou.

Acting Deputy Director of Health Dr Regina Ching today updated representatives of local medical groups on the suspected SARS case in Guangzhou.


She also updated them on the implementation of a pneumonia monitoring scheme that starts next week. In particular, Dr Ching urged private practitioners and hospitals to report voluntarily any such cases in which patients had visited Guangdong Province 10 days before contracting the disease.  


Pneumonia scheme safeguards patients

The representatives welcomed the scheme, adding that it is a further safeguard for patients.


They also agreed to the department's request for patients' samples for laboratory tests, saying it would help monitor and control communicable diseases. It should not cause inconvenience to private clinics.


Representatives of 12 private hospitals, the Hong Kong Medical Association, Hospital Authority and Hong Kong Doctors Union attended the meeting.


All parties agreed to continue their close collaboration in the prevention and early diagnosis of SARS, maintaining tight vigilance and surveillance against the disease.


The Department of Health will continue to maintain close contact with its Guangdong counterparts to obtain the latest information on this suspected SARS case.


Immigration control points increase surveillance

Precautionary measures have been stepped up at all immigration control points. Seven people had been found to have a fever and 44 to be unwell yesterday. Of them, three were referred to hospitals for further examination.


None was suspected of having contracted SARS, and only one was admitted for treatment.


The department's SARS hotline, 187 2222, had received 86 enquiries from December 27 to 12pm today. The hotline is operated during office hours.


For safety's sake, recent travellers to Guangdong who have fever and respiratory tract infection symptoms should consult their doctors.


Even though Hong Kong has been free from SARS since early June, members of the public are reminded to remain vigilant and observe good personal hygiene.