Garden grace: The new Government publication, The Temple Gardens of Hong Kong, is now on sale. The 200-page book features the many magnificent temple gardens of Hong Kong. |
A new Government publication featuring Hong Kong's many magnificent temple gardens is now on sale.
The Temple Gardens of Hong Kong, describes the horticultural and landscaping characteristics of 20 temples, and how these enhance the temples' charm and serenity.
The 200-page book, in Chinese with English extracts, has 26 chapters covering splendid Buddhist and Taoist temple gardens that are located in the urban areas, in the New Territories and on Lantau Island.
With about 300 photographs of plants, trees, buildings and statues, the publication features different types of temple gardens and landscaping in Hong Kong.
Temple garden elaborate, graceful
Author Professor Chu Kwan-chun said some of the bigger temples not only have separate gardens but the plants are arranged in ways that are both elaborate and graceful. Some even have their own flower nurseries, seeding nurseries and bonsai gardens.
"Some temples have a natural mountain forest setting that gives the feel of unspoiled, pristine beauty, while others have imposing and elaborate architecture," she said.
"Some temples highlight the artistic merits of their Buddhist statues, while others put emphasis on their profound couplets and unique stone carvings."
Professor Chu said that several temples have introduced and cultivated rare trees and flowers whereas some have collections of unusual stones.
"The effect is that each temple has its own characteristics, and the trees that are planted as well as the landscaping of the gardens are very different."
Professor Chu has been a professor at the College of Architecture of the Qinghua University in Beijing, and an advisor to the Chinese Institute of Landscape Gardening. She was born in Ningxiang County, Hunan Province.
Just $220 a copy
Published by the Information Services Department, the book is now available for just $220.
It can be ordered by calling the Publication Sales Section of the Information Services Department at 2537 1910, visiting the online Government Bookstore at http://bookstore.esdlife.com, downloading the order form from the ISD website and submitting the order online direct or by fax at 2523 7195, or by placing the order via email at puborder@isd.gov.hk.
Customers who purchase the book from the online Government Bookstore will enjoy a special discount of 25% during the promotional period.
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