The Department of Health is investigating a gastroenteritis outbreak at the HK Society for the Protection of Children's Portland Street Day Creche.
Six children have gastroenteritis symptoms and confirmation test results are pending.
The institution has been put under medical surveillance. Preventive measures and proper disinfection will be implemented.
The department's 2961 8966 hotline has received 325 enquiries for information on the disease. It appealed to the public to observe good hygiene practices as Hong Kong is amid the high season of the disease.
Prevention tips
* Wash hands thoroughly before handling food and eating, and after using the toilet;
* wear gloves when disposing of vomit and faeces and wash hands afterwards;
* clean and disinfect contaminated areas and items promptly and thoroughly with household bleach diluted to a ratio of 1 to 49 units of water;
* maintain good indoor ventilation;
* ensure food, particularly seafood and shellfish, is cooked thoroughly; and,
* any children, students and workers suffering from viral gastroenteritis should stay home until they recover.